Thursday, November 19, 2009

outside reading 13

I read an article that updates us on the war in Iraq. An Indian ship was left in flames along with the hijacking of an African fleet. Also, an explosive device went off injuring five people in central Baghdad. A roadside bomb went off injuring one man in western Monsul and was rushed to a hospital immidiately.

Monday, November 16, 2009

outside reading blog 12

For this blog, I read an article about movie wrap ups for the weekend. James Bond's Quantum of Solace took the top spot making $71 million. This Bond movie made the most money and took the top charts faster than any other movie Bond made. Madagascar 2 took second place making a whopping $32 million. High School Musical 3: Senior Year made in total of all the weeks in the box office $84 million even though they had a small budget for the movie. HSM 3's turn out may be pretty dissapointing for the Disney channel producers.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Chloe Gamble

Farther in the book, Chloe tries to get her first audition without the help of any talent agent or asssistant by sneaking in to the NBC building and barging in on all the executives of a new show Virgin. Right as she did so, security was called and she was banished from all networks and other studios. When she did that she thought it was the end of her career until she found out everyone was looking for her. She then met a woman named Nika who was soon going to be her new talent agent. Although Nika was just a secretary for a talent agency, it was her who Chloe wanted to represent herself. Nika helped Chloe get interviews and auditions but it was hard at first because of her NBC incident. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Chloe Gamble Novel

As Chloe and Nika go to auditions after auditions, they finally landed the perfect one. It was a new show on the SNAP network that had to do with young teenagers at a school who played in a band, while secretly they were secret agents. Chloe wanted the part so bad she could have screamed, but the producers and writers weren't waiting for Chloe to impress them, they were trying to impress her. She was the most wanted actress all throughout Hollywood because of the stunt she pulled way back when dealing with sneaking into NBC and crashing the audition. Chloe wasn't surprised that she was about to get the part because she knew what they wanted, and gave it to them. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Star talent

In the book, Nika finally found Chloe a job, but it wasn't a for sure gig, just an interview. Chloe was going to act in a horror movie, but Nika felt it wouldn't help the image she was trying to show of being a child actor. Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and other agencies were being looked at by Chloe but she wanted to be in this horror movie. Ignoring her coach, Chloe went ahead and signed the papers. It was only until during the filming that she realized she shouldn't have taken the movie because of how many careers horror movies ruin. People who starred in horror movies only got offered more horror movie parts. Thats not what Chloe wanted to do for a living. She wanted to be a big time actor who got paid thousands of millions of trillions of dollars for doing what she loves. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The One

So far in the book, Chloe, the main character, drags herself, her twin brother and her mother from her town in Texas to Hollywood so she can make it big and support her family. Her family doesn't have much money, so they depend on her to pay the bills for their apartment they are renting in Oakwood. Oakwood is where many of the up and coming celebrities stay until they make it big and move into mulitmillion dollar mansions. While she is struggling to find the start of her acting career she tries to show off her talent by explaining all the beauty pagents she's won. Although that was impressive in Texas it's nothing in Hollywood. So she has to find a way to get noticed. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First Choice book

I chose the book The One, which is about a girl who leaves her small hometown in Texas to become a star in Hollywood. This book looks very interesting and I like reading these types of books a lot. It is also a recommended book by Gossip Girl and other books like that. The book takes place in Hollywood in the center of all the television and acting careers of many famous people so it looks like a pretty good book. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

For this blog I read an article about the 81st Academy Awards and how they brought Hollywood and Bollywood together. They were brought together by the eight award winning movie "Slumdog Millionaire". This movie is full of love, crime, poverty and other types of problems but they overcome them. One of the children that was at the awards was very poor, but brought there because of the movie. There was original soundtrack in the movie because of the Bollywood influence and also because the amount of love in the movie and the amount of love put into it. Because of the movie's production, India has felt that the movie gave them a dirty and pain causing country.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mardi Gras Traditions

Cultural traditions such as Mardi Gras play an important role in many peoples lives. In Louisiana, its an extra boost in the economy where more than 10,000 people visit to celebrate the tradition. Back in the old days when resources and money were low, people would go around and sing and dance or whatever else they could do to get donations from stores and farmers for the festival. Mardi Gras dates back to the first cities where people would have parties that lasted for days just as we do now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Africa's Issues with Climate Change

For my blog about change, I read an article that tells you about the climate change in Africa and how its effecting it's people. There are many shortages of food because of the drastic droughts there have been and it is effecting the people in many ways. Because of the climate change, it is possible there could be conflict and warring issues. There are many causes trying to feed all the people but they can't. People are fleeing to nearby cities to get away from the terrible climate they are living with.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blog #6

For the blog about hope, I read about how Ben Affleck helped the people in Eastern Congo. Affleck visits Congo every year and writes an essay about the violence and devastation there. In his essay he talks about how many people die and all the ongoing wars there. He writes about the problems and how he tries to bring hope while he visits and how overwhelming the issues are there. This article is very moving because we don't deal with the problems that sometimes people half our age do.,,20259408,00.html

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blog #5

For my blog I read about discrimination of religions by employers. Its about how people can't be treated differently because of their religious views and how they should be able to get a job and still have their beliefs. There are still many people that are discriminated against because of the religion they follow but the Chartered Management Institution thinks differently. They believe people should get the same rights as any other person would and people shouldn't be bias because of it. Many schools are also discouraging the use of religion throughout school systems because it interferes with others' beliefs.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog #4

For my blog about genders and gender roles, I chose to write about women in medicine. Many women couldn't get jobs as physicians and doctors because they were women, but now there are many women that are just as good as the males. There was an exhibit made for women in the medical field featuring the first woman who got a medical degree. The exhibit features the Change in Medicine because of women and the work they do.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Potheads in Missouri

For my blog, I read an article about the legalization of medical marijuana in a small village in Missouri. The mayor of this village was in a crippling accident putting him in a wheelchair and he has decided to legalize medical marijuana because he feels it helps him to function better. A cop who patrols this area was also interviewed and said that he is still going to prosecute the state law that says it is illegal to posses or grow any amount of marijuana. I think the mayor has a point that it should be okay to posses and grow a few ounces of pot with a doctors note. Especially because the village is so small I see no reason that they shouldn't have they're own small clan of stoners with fake doctors notes.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

outside reading 22

I read an article on the declining of car sales for GM, Ford, Toyota, and Honda. Each of these car companies has fallen at least 30 percent for December. As those companies decline in purchases, the Japanese company has an increase in car sales. This company has fuel efficient cars which many people are purchasing now because of the unknown economy before us. If the gas prices go up, people don't want to buy expensive cars that take up a lot of gas, so they buy the cars that save fuel and money at the same time.